English: Basketball with clock to represent a ...
Image via Wikipedia

The 2012 NBA season is finally underway!  Even if your interest in NBA Basketball waned a bit during the lockout, with the many changes in team rosters and coaches, it will be interesting to see how it all plays out this year.  Will Byron Scott be able to lead the Cleveland Cavaliers out of their post-LBJ slump?  Will Blake Griffin and Chris Paul lead the L.A. Clippers to become a force that rivals the aging L.A. Lakers dynasty?  And most importantly, what will Steve Nash choose to do as his contract with the Phoenix Suns comes to an end this year?  Will he re-unite with Mike D’Antoni and Amare Stoudemire for the NY Knicks?  Will he return to the Dallas Mavericks or perhaps stay with his buddy Grant Hill and the Suns?  Or will he choose to retire from his outstanding NBA career without a Championship ring, to pursue a new career as a film director/producer?  Stay tuned…..

While the NBA and its franchises take on new challenges this year, it is also time for me to face some new challenges.  This is my final Leadership with Integrity blog post.  I would like to extend a hearty Thank You to all of my readers and subscribers.  I greatly appreciate your support of my passion(s), and I am grateful for all of your feedback and comments, whether posted, emailed or spoken.  I hope that you have gleaned even one little pearl of knowledge – or acknowledgment – from the blog…or that you have at least been somewhat entertained or amused by it.  I have certainly enjoyed writing my posts.  Don’t be surprised if we cross paths again in the future or if you find me elsewhere in the WordPress blogosphere………  And that’s the game, folks!

Cheers –

lisa bredeson

PostScript 2/6/12:  It is encouraging to see that although I wrote my last Leadership with Integrity post last month, readers – both new and returning – continue to visit the blog, so I will leave the site active for the near future.  I invite all visitors to scroll through the archives and read some of my posts from the past year or so.  The most popular post remains Steve Nash – A Leader, A True Star (April 2011), with The Importance of Being Elegant running (May 2011) at a distant second. 

Many Thanks to all.
